
Go find Berlin's giant Ampelmann

A giant Ampelmann in Berlin

Berliners and visitors alike love the Ampelmann - that cute, cult figure in a hat you'll see on many of the city's pedestrian traffic lights (and in countless souvenir shops, besides).

But here's a mega-sized version you won't find elsewhere: a jolly green giant near Potsdamer Platz.

The 3.5 metre character is closely based on the original traffic sign, and was created by artist Ottmar Hörl as part of an exhibition celebrating 25 years of German reunification.

Berlin's 3.5 metre Ampelmann
The original Ampelmann on a pedestrian traffic light

Image credit (left): Hessische Landesvertretung

Yet despite the fact that he's Berlin's largest Ampelmann - and located, too, on one of the city's busiest tourist trails - the figure isn't exactly easy to spot.

Slightly isolated in the middle of a railed-off lawn just outside the Hessische Landesvertretung (Offices of the district of Hessen), you'll need to keep a sharp eye out for him as you pass. Just make sure you mind the traffic while you're at it.


Further facts

Berlin's green and red Ampelmann figures are one of very few ex-GDR emblems to have survived reunification.

Originally encountered only in Berlin's former eastern districts, they proved so popular that since 2005 they've been installed throughout the city.

Created by psychologist Karl Peglau, the Ampelmännchen first appeared on the streets of East Berlin in 1961. Now adopted as an unofficial city emblem, they feature on countless souvenirs and even have their very own stores.


See also:
Potsdamer Platz: an alternative guide
Berlin's most unusual sights
The world's smallest discos

Hessische Landesvertretung: In den Ministergärten 5, 10117 Berlin

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