
Batman Elektronik and its art of spare parts

Batman Elektronic, electronic art, Berlin

With a name like 'Batman Elektronik', this store already sounds intriguing.

And besides offering a huge selection of old and new electronic equipment, there's a collection, too, of some of the most extraordinary art you're ever likely to see.

Entirely created with electronic cast-offs, the elaborate sculptural figures, busts and even dresses give a whole new meaning to the idea of multimedia.

A dress made out of spare electronic parts: Batman Elektronik, Berlin
Batmanelektronik and its 'Elektroschrott' artworks

Berlin's most unusual art gallery was conceived when owner Muharrem Batman - and yes, that really is his name - convinced his sister Ayse to brighten up the store by decorating old mannequins with leftover computer parts.

Batman Elektronik store, Berlin Neukoelln

Computer chips, valves, wires and circuitry were all used in the intricate, jewel-like designs, which quickly gained a cult following in Berlin and beyond.

Computer 'scrap' art at Batman Elektronik, Berlin
Berlin's most unusual art gallery

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And now, Batman Elektronik is not only regarded as one of the best electronic stores and repair services in town, but receives a constant stream of visitors drawn by the displays of elaborate Elektroschrottkunst (electroscrap art).

Now that's what we call a real superstore.

See also:
Coffee, cake and art
Hospitals for dolls

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Batman Elektronik and Elektroschottkunst gallery: Hermannstraße 211, 12049 Berlin

Opening times: Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-4pm


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